Day 14: Pantry Packers, Machane Yehuda (market), more friends of friends, home-Hosted Dinner
After a more relaxed breakfast, we headed to the bus for our visit to Pantry Packers which is part of Colel Chabad ,an ultra-orthodox Jewish charity founded in 1788(!). They work with municipal governments throughout the country to arrange monthly drop offs of dry goods, fresh vegetables, and a debit card of 500 shekels (about $135) per month to families in need, regardless of gender, religious or ethnic background.
O.A.T., through Grand Circle, its parent corporation, partners with them to assist in their mission as a way of "giving back" to the host country.
We spent about two hours there, first hearing about what they do, then helping through an assembly line process, putting dry goods into bags, labeling,sealing and crating them.
We looked so cute with our aprons and caps!
Stopped for some street food (meh…), some ice cream,( getting better…),and then went into the largest market in Jerusalem, the Machane Yehuda.
Got a couple of things and then met with another friend of Debby’s, Maureen, who lives across the street from the market in the orthodox section.
We spent a little time with her in a coffee shop, and she asked us what else we were looking for. We mentioned a mezuzah, so she directed us away from the market. Although we had hoped to spend more time with her, our schedule didn’t cooperate. Another time. ( She absolutely refused to let us take a picture, sorry to say).
Our last trip of the day, really evening, led us to a lovely neighborhood in a residential area of Jerusalem where we met Esther, an orthodox mother of 10, grandmother of 23 who still works running a camp for girls, among other things. Her husband, who was not there, is a rabbi and scholar.
As she fed us all a lovely traditional meal, she explained many of the traditions of Orthodox Judaism including dress, prayers, Torah, Mishnah and Talmud, and holidays. Even though Wendy knew a lot, we all learned quite a bit. Home for some rest, another early day tomorrow.
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